​When investors are looking to purchase commercial property, they depend on RosenBEC for due diligence building envelope assessments. We provide a thorough review on their behalf by evaluating the facade design and installation, identifying existing or potential problems, and providing cost estimates for repair of deficient conditions.
Building Owners
​When a building owner recognizes the need to enhance the appearance and/or performance of their building, they utilize the expertise of RosenBEC to evaluate the available options to upgrade the facade. Whether the desired outcome is achieving LEED certification, enhancing comfort to the building occupants, or reducing operating costs, we guide building owners through this process.
Property Managers
​There are times when property managers struggle with resolving complex facade related problems. RosenBEC methodically and accurately diagnoses the root-cause of deficient conditions. When the source of failure has been determined, we then develop applicable repair details so appropriate action can be taken.
​Attorneys depend on the knowledge and impartiality of RosenBEC to provide litigation support when problems, conflicts, or disputes arise. We can serve as an expert witness to report the facts in a competent and unbiased manner.